Lab 1.4.3 Monitoring VLAN Traffic
Task 1: Demonstrate
Broadcasts across a Single LAN
Step 1: Prepare the
switch for configuration
a. Referring to the
topology diagram, connect the console (or rollover) cable to the console port
on the switch and the other cable end to the host computer with a DB-9 or DB-25
adapter to the COM 1 port.
Ensure that power has
been applied to both the host computer and switch.
b. Establish a
HyperTerminal, or other terminal emulation program, connection from PC1 to the
c. Ensure that the
switch is ready for lab configuration by verifying that all existing VLAN and
general configurations are removed.
1) Remove the switch
startup configuration file from NVRAM.
Switch#erase startup-config
Erasing the nvram
filesystem will remove all files! Continue? [confirm]
2) Press Enter to confirm.
The response should
Step 2: Configure the
a. Connect the two
PCs to the switch as shown in the topology diagram.
b. Configure the two
PCs to have the IP addresses and subnet mask shown in the topology table.
c. Clear the ARP
cache on each PC by issuing the arp
-d command at the PC command prompt.
d. Confirm that the
ARP cache is clear by issuing the arp
-a command.
Step 3: Generate and
examine ARP broadcasts
a. Launch Wireshark
on each PC and start the packet capture for the traffic seen by the NIC in each
b. From the command
line of each PC, ping all connected devices.
c. Monitor the
operation of Wireshark. Note the ARP traffic registering on each PC.
d. Stop the Wireshark
capture on each PC.
e. Examine the
entries in the Wireshark Packet List (upper) Pane.
How many ARP captures
occurred for each device?
ARP mengirim
permintaan dan menbalas request uuntuk masing-masing perangkat yang di-ping
List the source IP
addresses of the ARP request and replies:
Alamat IP asal adalah
perangkat yang menerbitkan ping commans dan mereply dari perangkat yang sedang
Did each device
receive an ARP request from every PC connected to the switch?
f. Exit Wireshark
Task 2: Demonstrate
Broadcasts within Multiple VLANs
Step 1: Configure the
VLANs on the switch
a. Using the
established console session from PC1 to the switch, set the hostname by issuing
the following command from the global configuration mode:
Switch(config)# hostname FC-ASW-1
b. Set interfaces
Fa0/1 and Fa0/2 to VLAN 10 by issuing the following commands from the global configuration
and interface configuration modes:
FC_ASW-1(config)#interface FastEthernet0/1
FC_ASW-1(config-if)#switchport access vlan 10
% Access VLAN does
not exist. Creating vlan 10
FC_ASW-1(config-if)#interface FastEthernet0/2
FC_ASW-1(config-if)#switchport access vlan 10
c. Set interfaces
Fa0/3 and Fa0/4 to VLAN 20 by issuing the following commands from the interface
configuration mode:
FC_ASW-1(config-if)#interface FastEthernet0/3
FC_ASW-1(config-if)#switchport access vlan 20
% Access VLAN does
not exist. Creating vlan 20
FC_ASW-1(config-if)#interface FastEthernet0/4
FC_ASW-1(config-if)#switchport access vlan 20
d. Confirm that the
interfaces are assigned to the current VLANs by issuing the show vlan command from
the Privileged EXEC mode. If the VLANs are not assigned correctly, troubleshoot
the command entries shown in Steps 1b and 1c and reconfigure the switch.
Step 2: Prepare the
a. Clear ARP cache on
each PC by issuing the arp
-d command at the PC command prompt.
b. Confirm the ARP
cache is clear by issuing the arp
-a command.
Step 3: Generate ARP
a. Launch Wireshark
on each PC and start the packet capture for the traffic seen by the NIC in each
b. From the command
line of each PC, ping each of the other three devices connected to the switch.
c. Monitor the
operation of Wireshark. Note the ARP traffic registering on the two PCs.
d. Stop the Wireshark
capture on each PC.
e. Examine the
entries in the Wireshark Packet List (upper) Pane.
How many ARP captures
occurred for each PC?
Satu ARP merequest
dan satu ARP mereply perangkat VLAN pada komputer
List the source IP
Tergantung pada PC
What is the
difference between the captured ARP packets for each PC this time and those
in Task 1?
Hanya permintaan ARP
yang diterima dari perangkat pada VLAN yang sama.
How many Ethernet
broadcast domains are present now?
2 broadcast termasuk
VLAN 10 dan VLAN 20.
f. Exit Wireshark.
Step 4: Clean up
Erase the
configuration and reload the switch. Disconnect and store the cabling. For PC
hosts that are normally connected to other networks (such as the school LAN or
to the Internet), reconnect the appropriate cabling and restore the TCP/IP
Task 3: Reflection
a. Discuss the use of
VLANS in keeping data traffic separated. What are the advantages of doing this?
Jawaban :
- mengurangi tekanan
pada bandwidth dengan membatasi broadcast hanya pada host pada VLAN
- menyediakan
keamanan dan penyaringan trafik dengan membatasi akses pengguna pada satu VLAN
b. When designing a
network list different criteria that could be used to divide a network into
Jawaban :
- basis lokasi
- organisasi
- tipe trafik