
Ini adalah tugas CCNA untuk membuat sebuah jaringan lokal yang dapat terhubung dengan internet. Dari gambar dapat dilihat bahwa ada 5 komputer yang terhubung dengan sebuah Hub, dan agar dapat terhubung dengan internet maka kita harus menghubungkan hub dengan Linksys. Dan ini adalah sebuah gambaran dasar bagaimana membuat sebuah jaringan lokal.

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Step 1: Perform a Skills Strength and Interest Assessment
Several career paths are available for individuals interested in an IT career. If you have not already
participated in a strength and interest assessment, or if you have not yet determined which career path is of interest to you, research some of the tools available. They can help provide a starting point for an IT career selection. There are many resources available – the list below is only a small sampling.
Resources available:
  • Secondary school guidance departments and local college career departments can provide helpful information.
  • Public libraries or websites, such as, offer books on researching career choices and skill strength assessments such as: Information Technology Jobs in America [2007] Corporate & Government Career Guide (Paperback) by Info Tech Employment (Editor), Discover What You’re Best At by Linda Gale, The IT Career Builder’s Toolkit by Matthew Moran
  • Company websites offering a mix of free and fee related services, such as:
Promoting IT Careers: Virtual Field Trips –
Cisco Networking Academy Career Connection –
CompTIA TechCareer Compass –
CyberCareers for the Net Generation –
Quintcareers –
During your search, remember that many IT careers are not limited to IT Companies, but may be associated with the Education, Healthcare, Finance, or Manufacturing industries.
a. Use one of the resources above or similar resources to research possible career choices in the
networking field. For example, in addition to identifying skill strengths, the CompTIA TechCareer Compass site has a page via the Explore Job Roles link ( that allows you to search for a job based on a job title or job criteria. If you are not sure of a job title, the Search Using Job Concentrations section of that page lists job roles that are divided into three areas: Administration, Development, and Integration. Clicking one of the three areas displays a list of job titles. You can then click any title to see a description of critical job functions, compare your skill strengths with the position requirements, and identify the certifications required for the job.
b. Select one of the job titles that is of interest to you as a possible career path.

Step 1: List the items required
a. Use the table below, or create a similar one, to list all the items and equipment that need to be purchased for the FilmCompany network upgrade project.
b. Search the Internet or use information provided by your instructor to add possible suppliers or vendors to the BOM table.
c. Add costs to the BOM. Where possible, obtain costs from local vendors and suppliers. If this information is not readily available, your instructor will provide estimated costs for you to use.

Step 2: Determine the software requirements
a. During the early stages of the network Design Phase, existing applications were identified. Add new applications required by the network upgrade to the BOM. Categorize these as either Network or Specialist applications.
b. Add the new applications, installation costs, and required training to the BOM with the identified hardware. Also indicate whether the network upgrade requires additional licenses to be purchased for existing software applications.

Step 3: Add maintenance contracts
a. Investigate the maintenance support service contracts available for both the new and existing equipment.
b. Add the details and costs to the BOM.

Step 4: Create the BOM
a. Create the BOM using word processing or spreadsheet software. Using a spreadsheet will facilitate the calculation of total costs and enable easy updating of the document if costs or quantities are amended.
b. Save this file and include it in the proposal document. Add a hardcopy of the file to your portfolio.
Step 1: List and prioritize the factors affecting the timeline
Note issues such as equipment and material availability, skilled personnel, and customer requirements that should be considered for the following factors when developing a project timeline. Consider the possibility that the project might not begin on the proposed start date.
Equipment order and delivery
Service installation, such as WAN links
Customer schedule, including available maintenance and downtime windows
Availability of appropriate technical personnel

Step 2: Complete the time details for each installation phase
The FilmCompany network upgrade is linked to the StadiumCompany network redevelopment. It would be efficient to align the FilmCompany stadium remote site work with that project. The StadiumCompany RFP states that the project must be completed during the off-season for the two teams. This requirement gives the project a timeline of four months, which can be also applied to the FilmCompany upgrade.
a. On the table created in Lab 9.2.1 for Phase 1, fill in the Date information:
  • Install Distribution and Core Layer equipment
  • Configure new IP addressing & VLAN scheme
  • Configure routing
b. On the table for Phase 2, fill in the Date information:
  • Upgrade the WAN connectivity
  • Extend the network to the remote site
  • Configure Access Control Lists & security
c. On the table for Phase 3, fill in the Date information:
  • Install and configure the wireless and associated mobility network equipment

Step 1: Compare the installation methods
There are three possible installation methods:
  • New installation, commonly referred to as a green field installation
  • Phased installation into an existing, functioning network
  • Complete replacement, commonly referred to as a fork-lift upgrade
Consider and list the advantages and disadvantages of the three installation methods.
New Installation

Semua peralatan dan layanan dapat diinstal dan diuji pada saat yang sama.
Rencana implementasi untuk jaringan baru kurang kompleks dibandingkan dengan dua jenis instalasi.
Jadwal lebih fleksibel daripada ketika jaringan yang ada di tempat.
Ada gangguan minimal terhadap perusahaan.
Modal besar karena semua peralatan dan layanan yang diinstal pada waktu yang sama.
Phased Installation into Existing Network
Step 1: Identify if weaknesses are present in the design
Is the Frame Relay WAN design able to scale to meet the expected growth?
Ya, layanan Frame Relay biasanya sangat terukur. CIR tambahan dapat dibeli dan sirkuit tambahan dapat ditambahkan jika diperlukan.

Do the results of the prototype test indicate that the Frame Relay configuration will work as expected?
Karena sebuah router bertindak sebagai saklar Frame Relay simulasi, tidak ada cara untuk menguji bandwidth dan kinerja Frame Relay nyata switched jaringan. Karena tidak mungkin untuk menguji kemampuan melalui jaringan Frame Relay TSP sebenarnya ada risiko yang berkaitan dengan desain.
Are there any weaknesses associated with using the VPN connections as backup to the Frame Relay WAN?
Walaupun pengujian memverifikasi bahwa fungsi Ethernet berbasis simulasi backup, ini tidak cukup mensimulasikan penggunaan link VPN sebagai link Fast Ethernet jauh lebih cepat daripada VPN khas. Daerah yang paling kritis risiko adalah kinerja dari link VPN sebagai backup dalam jaringan nyata. Apabila komponen suara dan video dari jaringan ditambahkan ke WAN lalu lintas yang ada, mungkin ada masalah kualitas layanan jika koneksi VPN harus digunakan. VPN arus melalui ISP tidak memiliki tingkat jaminan pelayanan. Selain itu, tidak memiliki mekanisme untuk menyediakan QoS. Akibatnya, link cadangan hanya bisa menyediakan konektivitas terbatas dalam hal kegagalan.

Will a failure of the primary link cause the FilmCompany to lose connectivity to the Stadium LAN?
Tidak, link backup dengan rute statis mengambang akan diaktifkan untuk menyediakan konektivitas ketika F primer / link R gagal.

Does the EIGRP authentication provide for a secure transmission of the routing updates?
Ya, meskipun penggunaan Pesan Digest 5 (MD5). Kombinasi kunci pengenal dan antarmuka yang terkait dengan pesan unik mengidentifikasi algoritma otentikasi dan kunci MD5 otentikasi digunakan.

Step 2: Determine what the risks are of not correcting the weaknesses
If, in Step 1, you identify weaknesses in the proposed design, what risks do these weaknesses present to
Risikonya adalah bahwa jaringan Frame Relay bawah beban aktual pengguna yang sebenarnya tidak akan melakukan serta link disimulasikan dalam prototipe. Juga, link VPN cadangan disimulasikan mungkin tidak bekerja seperti yang diharapkan dalam hal pemulihan menggunakan link VPN nyata bukan link FastEthernet simulasi. Penerimaan akhir dari desain mungkin harus menunggu sampai hasil instalasi pilot diketahui.

Step 3: Suggest ways that the design can be improved to reduce the risk
In what ways could the proposed design be improved to reduce the areas of risk?
Jika waktu dan uang mengizinkan, uji coba dapat dijalankan di mana sirkuit F/R sementara dengan CIR tertentu bisa dipasang dengan kerjasama layanan yang disediakan dan beban uji simulasi dapat dihasilkan pada berbagai waktu untuk memastikan kinerja di bawah tinggi -volume kondisi. Tingkat perjanjian layanan (SLA) juga bisa dinegosiasikan untuk menyediakan asuransi yang rangkaian akan bekerja seperti yang diharapkan selama periode beban puncak. Sehubungan dengan link backup VPN, pilot dapat termasuk penggunaan koneksi VPN aktual melalui link DSL ke lebih akurat menunjukkan kemampuan pemulihan dari desain yang diusulkan.

Step 4: Document the weaknesses and risks on the test plan
In the Results and Conclusions section of the test plan, record any weaknesses, risks, and suggested improvements.

Step 4: Reflection
Why do you think it is important to identify weaknesses and risks in the proposed design before presenting it to the customer? What are some reasons that weaknesses cannot be corrected?
Adalah penting untuk mengidentifikasi kelemahan dan risiko dalam desain yang diusulkan sebelum menyajikannya kepada pelanggan untuk memastikan bahwa pelanggan memahami keterbatasan prototipe dan tidak mengarah pada memiliki harapan yang tidak realistis berdasarkan prototipe. Mungkin tidak mungkin untuk mengimbangi semua kelemahan yang dapat diidentifikasi karena waktu, uang atau kendala personil. Risiko harus dianalisa dan seimbang terhadap variabel-variabel lainnya.
Task 1: Build the Network. Task Complete
Step 1 Connect devices
a. Connect the routers as shown in the topology diagram. Refer to the Test Plan in Lab 8.2.2 for cabling required.
b. For each of the routers to be configured, use the erase startup-config and the reload commands from the privileged EXEC prompt, to ensure that you are starting with a clean configuration.

Task 2: Configure Router ISPX as a Backup. Task Complete

Step 1: Perform basic configuration of the ISPX router
Connect a PC to the console port of the router to perform configurations using a terminal emulation program.
Configure the router with hostname, passwords, message-of-the–day, and no ip domain lookup.
Router(config)#hostname ISPX
ISPX(config)#line console 0
ISPX(config-line)#password cisco
ISPX(config)#line vty 0 4
ISPX(config-line)#password cisco
ISPX(config)#enable password cisco
ISPX(config)#enable secret class
ISPX(config)#no ip domain-lookup
ISPX(config)#banner motd #Unauthorized use prohibited#

Step 2: Configure ISPX router FastEthernet interfaces
Configure the FastEthernet interfaces for the backup links to the Edge2 and BR3 routers. Configure a description and the IP address, and activate each interface.

Step 3: Configure a static route on the ISPX router to the FilmCompany local network
On the ISPX router, configure a normal static route to the BR3 network via the Fa0/0 interface on BR3.

Step 4: Configure a static route on the ISPX router to the stadium local network
On the ISPX router, configure a normal static route to the Edge2 network via the Fa0/1 interface on Edge2.

Task 1: Review the Supporting Documentation

Step 1: Refer to the WAN Design Test Plan document provided for this lab
Download the WAN Design Test Plan. What is the purpose of this WAN design test? Which elements
of the design will be tested using this plan?
The purpose of this prototype is to demonstrate the use of Frame Relay WAN links to connect a remote site router to a central site router through a router that simulates a Frame Relay switch. Backup Ethernet links from the remote site and central site to a 4th router simulate a VPN backup capability and provide an alternate path in the event that one of the Frame Relay WAN links goes down.
a. Document the purpose of the test in the Introduction section of the WAN Design Test Plan.
b.Review the tests that will be run to validate the prototype.

Step 2: Review the equipment needed to perform the tests
Review the list of all equipment needed to build the prototype and to perform the tests. Be sure to include
cables, optional connectors or components, and software. If the recommended equipment is not available in your lab, discuss possible substitutes with your instructor and classmates, based on interface requirements of the topology.
a. If substitute equipment must be used, list the devices here:
b. Determine the amount of each type of cabling necessary to create the prototype test topology. Record the information on the Equipment chart in the WAN Design Test Plan.
c. Document any special configuration or cabling issues that might arise if substitute equipment is used.

Task 1: Identify areas of risk and weakness in the server farm implementation

Step 1: Analyze the physical topology
Examine the server farm topology as one entity and as a part of the entire FilmCompany topology. Look for each of the risks and weaknesses listed in the chart. Describe the devices, connections, and issues that you find, or record None found if the design appears to avoid risks in that area.
Description of Location and Devices
Single point of failure
If a device fails, a portion of the network will be inoperable.

Large failure domain
If a device or link fails, a large portion of the network will be affected

Possible bottlenecks
If the traffic volume increases, there
is a potential for response time to

Limited scalability
If the network grows more rapidly than expected, a costly upgrade will be needed.

Overly-complex design
If the design is too complex, the current staff will not be able to support it properly.

Other possible
weaknesses (specify):